Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Final Approval

The waiting is over and it’s confirmed, I passed my medical exams; I received my final approval  yesterday and officially I’m moving to Dubai and the countdown has begun.

Date of joining: 22 April 2016
I have a lot of emotions inside of me, I’m happy and sad at the same time. I know I’m living the dream, a one lifetime experience job, living in Dubai, traveling to more than 140 destinations in over 70 countries across 6 continents with great benefits and privileges that a lot of people have tried  to accomplish so many times. Emirates receives over 15,000 applications for Cabin Crew per month, maybe the less of the half are currently working for them, I mean, It’s a very competitive industry, although they say otherwise, let’s get real, airlines are selective when it comes for recruiting new hires. But the bottom line is that, yes, I’m so thrilled and yes sad again.
I’ll be away from my family and boyfriend. I’m quite attach to them that I know when the day of departure comes, perhaps I’m going to cry. I know me, I’m a very independent person and to be honest, I’ve never lived so far away from my country, although it’s a great opportunity to develop myself with more independence and confidence. It may seem as a little bit of fear, but this is just normal, indeed. Maintaining focus and confident of your goals will always help to move toward success. After all, this job is all about adjusting yourself to a new lifestyle. The best part of this, is that my family and boyfriend supports me, and that’s all I need to keep flying.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Emirates Medical Test

The entire process of becoming cabin crew is WAITING! From the time you o start tsubmit your application, to your assessment day, to your final interview and searching information on the web, forums, blogs or even  in the facebook page “Emirates approval in progress status”  while preparing yourself with the nervousness of making it through every stage; and when finally you pass every stage and interview, the waiting begins to receive the Golden Call. After you receive the Golden call eventually you’ll receive an email stating that you have being successful through the process for the cabin crew position and also, all the paperwork and medical exams that had to be put together. NO, you are not done!

In this stage, the employment contract is not final, but  it is subject of you being able to clear all the medical tests. For the next couple of days or weeks the only thing you’ll be doing is making doctor appointments and being checked. Later, these documents need to be submitted through the portal by login in with your username and password that they send you by email. The portal is a very nice organized page were you can see how is your progress is going, and it also has post were you can see how many days you have untill your day of joining.

Some docs are:

Vaccinations: such as; Polio, Diphtheria, Yellow fever, Hepatitis A&B, Tetanus, Typhoid and so on..

Dental Certification: requires some standards like, teeth should be free from cavities, plaque, gingiva, and among others. The dentist certificates that you’re dentally fit and complies with all standards.

*Blood test for HIV, SVRL and  TB chest x-ray will be completed in Dubai.*

The vaccinations are on your own expenses which mean no reimbursement from Emirates.

Medical history declaration:These are some personal medical history that you have to answer with yes or no and these documents are filled by you.

Once they received all the documents, the human resources team will evaluate the medical test and if you fit the requirements they will contact you for the next stage.

At this point is practically another waiting!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Hello everyone! Okay, now that I have ran around telling EVERYONE I know about my Golden Call and Date Of Joining, I can finally post about it. Today around 2pm, as usual I check my phone for the time, then messages and updates on Facebook. Again, my news feed was full of  people congratulating others on their success, to which I joined in because I cannot help but be excited for everyone. I had that moment of butterflies in my stomach as I signed into the Emirates Careers website to check my application status and there it was, those 4 beautiful words: JOINING FORMALITIES IN PROGRESS

At that moment, I actually danced up and down with joy. I was ecstatic to see those few words because it meant that everything I has worked for was starting to become very real. So I was waiting for my Golden Call and expecting they will call me tomorrow. But is turn out that around 6.30pm, I got my golden call and that time I was taking a short nap. I feel so unreal! I feel like I am walking on clouds. In 3 months I will be in Dubai, getting ready to travel the world! 

This was it. I answered it calmly. I vaguely remember the call now but she advised me that my application for Cabin crew with Emirates had been successful, and congratulated me. She asked a few questions about my notice period and when I could join. My original joining date was going to be the 29th April 2016. I snapped up the date because I didn't want to push my luck any further. She informed me that I would receive an email within the next couple of working days with my candidate portal details. 
Now I just wait for my e-mail and FA. As always, good luck on your Emirates journey, and I can’t wait to meet you in Dubai!

Here my timeline:
5/12/2015- OD
6/12/2015- AD
8/12/2015- FI
27/12/2015- IC
31/12/2015- OH
2/2/2016- JFIP
2/2/2016- GC

Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Singapore Airlines Cabin Crew Experienced

Today post I will be sharing with you my experience for the Singapore Airlines cabin crew interview stages and process that I have attended last year December 2015 at Inter-Excel.

Before I attend any interview,I will do research on the airline that I applying for. This is because I can know their latest development and it always gives me the advantage to show to the recruiters that I am very interested to join the company plus giving them a good impression of myself. 

I was really grateful because my boyfriend accompany me went to the interview. That helped me out a little since I was feeling really nervous and it's nice to have a companion. Moving on, the open day was held at Inter-Excel and the registration was between 8.30 am. So I was there around 7.30 am. I thought that I was a little late but as I reached there, there were no people lining up to register and I am the first to arrived. On that day, everyone was looking well groomed and all prepared to nail it. I wore a white formal blouse and a pencil skirt. My hair nicely bun up and short fringe. As for the make-up, I did a light one. I met a few really nice friends, who shared with me about their background and even their past experiences. During this stage, we were divided into small groups and there was a small brief introduction following with random question. 

For my group the question was ‘’ Christmas is coming soon, where is the places you suggest to celebrate the Christmas?’’. Unfortunately I was too nervous so my performances not really good. Once the introduction was over, we all were anxiously waiting outside the room. They called out the names who passed through this stage and I was unlucky that I wasn't one of them. 

For other rounds and stages I not sure because myself stop until first round. I thought I can did good for this SIA interview but unfortunately, I feel so nervous on that day so I didn’t get through until final stage. 

I was feeling quite devastated but hey, this is not the end of the world. We should not give up and lose hope in any circumstances. If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather the courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone upturned to make it a reality.

Friday, January 29, 2016

My Qatar Open Day Cabin Crew Experienced

I had my last recruitment experience with Qatar Airways December of 2015. I not made it to the Assessment Day but the whole experience is something I'll always look back to and feel proud of. I'm not a flight attendant yet but I admit I still dream to be. I just don't want to rush things and stress myself about it.

So here is my own experiences with Qatar Open Day. Open Day is more like initial screening or resume submission or initial interview. Two recruiters from different sides of the world and cultures receive the resume, do the small talks while screening each applicant. Everyone's lined up from the registration and initial reach test up to the submission of their resume. Once it is your turn, the recruiter will look and stare at you while talking. They'll ask one to more than two questions but the number of questions asked is not the basis of your acceptance. I've attended more than two ODs and the questions I got were mostly, "What's your current job?", "Why do you want to be a flight attendant?" or "Is this your number?". 
Then, you need to wait for their call. At the end, I didn't get invited for Assessment Day.

Well, that’s what I’ve experienced so far during the interviews. I didn't pass the Open Day. Well, that’s not as important as my next journey. Do not ever give up hopes and be strong in finding your dreams. Dreams will never notice you until you chase them.

Picture of me(left side) and my friend(right side) went to Qatar interview for the first time at KL.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dermatix Ultra Scar Reduction Advanced Silicone Gel

Hello everyone!

As you all know, about three weeks ago, I went through a minor surgery and as most of any other surgery, it leaves mark on the skin. Yes, same as me the surgery really leaves me a scar. The doctor know I'm very particular on the scar so he gave me a product that can help to reduce the scar. The product called Dermatix Ultra Scar Reduction Advanced Silicone Gel, he said this product definitely can reduce the scar but not erase the scar. 

So I do some research about this product. From the research at Google, Dermatix® Ultra is an advanced scar formula that is proven effective in the management of scars. It has the innovative CPX (cyclopentasiloxane) technology for improved effects in flattening and softening scars and contains a unique ingredient of Vitamin C which gives the benefit of photoprotection and skin lightening. Dermatix® Ultra's high grade of skin conditioning agent heals your scar without the greasy tacky feel upon application. It leaves a soft, silky and clean feel when applied to the skin.

The benefits of Dermatix Ultra are:
  • Proven efficacy in flattening, softening and lightening scars
  • Innovative formula with CPX technology & unique Vitamin C
  • Convenience with elegant, quick drying formulation
  • Excellent cosmetic properties: smooth and silky feel, transparent & odourless
  • Easy to apply
  • Safe to use, even for children
  • Recommended by plastic surgeon

So far after I used this gel, I haven't experience any discomfort. I always put it on a clean skin and put a thin layer of it on top of the closed wound. It is not recommended to be put on top of open wound ya, so please do be careful on this and read the instruction given on the leaflet. The gel easily create a thin film covering the scar on the skin and slowly but sure help the scar to diminish. At first when the scar is new, there's a bit swollen and the skin appears darker, after a month the swelling reduced by far and the skin appears lighter too in terms of shade. I was advice to use the product as soon as the wound is dry and the scar is new. Old scar will take longer time to heal than the new one. I've used the product for one week now and it does help reducing and not 100% eliminating the scar. It only one week and I can see the improvement so I will keep using it since the product show a progressive result. 

This gel come in two size which are 7g and 15g tubes. For 7g tubes it can last up to 3 weeks and for 15g tubes it can last up to 2 months. This Dermatix Ultra Gel quite pricey for me but is worth it. I bought 15g tubes at RM115. It also available in any drugstore, pharmacy, and online stores.

Dermatix Ultra Scar Reduction Advanced Silicone Gel

These are pictures of my scar after i used the Ultra Dermatix for a week (scar at inner thigh)

For those who want to minimize the scar or looking for scar reduction product, I highly recommended this product.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Air Asia Interview Stages

Today let me share my Air Asia interview experiences with you. I have tried 2 times for Air Asia but I still failed! I remember I went to Air Asia walk-in interview twice one in Penang (21 June 2014) and the second times in KL (19 September 2014).

As usual Air Asia registration was from 9 am to 11 am. Candidates are advised to be there early as the line may be quite long. Normally I will go there early so I arrived at around 8:45 am and the queue was super long. I heard the total number of candidates was somewhere over a hundred people and that is considered a small number. 

First Stage
The first stage is the document and credentials check. They will check if you have brought with you everything that you need such as IC, SPM cert photocopy, passport picture, etc. After that you will proceed to the height check without shoes. The minimum requirements is 157 cm for ladies. If you are a few centimeters below the required height, they will straight send you back home. Then you are given a number and start to queue for second stages. 

Second Stage
The second stage is the one on one interview which conducted in small office room. Once inside the office, there will be a holding place where you will wait for your turn.Totally different than what I expected. It was a small room with two tables set approximately one meter apart with one candidate per table. Behind each table are two interviewers. You will be asked to stand in front of the table. No sitting here. The questions they will ask you or the stuff they will ask you to do varies with each person. What you will be asked depends on the interviewer. For me they asked me to introduce myself, explain why I chose this position in this industry and what my hobbies were. All pretty straight forward. 

After they are done asking you questions there will be a card on the table. You will have to pick it up and read the announcement scripts. They are in English and Malay, 2 different sentences. They might not ask you to read all of it. They asked me to read the English parts only. But that part is simple. Just make sure you articulate your words well and be calm. Make sure your words are loud and audible. After that they will give you feedback and probably point out things that you need to improve on.Try not to give cliche answers. Map out your answers and make them stand out because within those few minutes in front of the interviewers, you really do need to impress them quick.

Please keep in mind they will not tell you whether you passed or failed on the spot. They will notify you via email in a few weeks' time. And with that, it's over. It seems really quick when you go in but it might actually be quite long.

During the interview at KL, I get to meet some new friends starting from the left are Bella, Christy, Vena, and me. Four of us chit chat together so that we won’t get bored of waiting. 

But at final result, they didn't pick me! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Firefly Interview Stages

On 14 June 2014, I went to Firefly interview at Cititel Hotel in Mid Valley. To be honest, I didn’t really keen on this airline because the airline is very small compared to Emirates, hence I didn’t really prepare myself to attend the interview.
When I reached there, there are quite a number of people and everyone busy to filled up the registration form and most of the candidates were Malay and Indian, some of them were ex-crew from other airlines. It consists of 2 stages for the whole interview.

The first stage was cat-walking, introduction and Q&A session. For this stage, 5 candidates called into the room including me. I remembered there were 3 interviewer in the room for this stage and they look friendly. I’m start off with cat walking in front of the interviewer and briefly skin checking.This stage is quite simple. During the cat-walk, the interviewers were observed our posture and face expression all the while. After cat-walk, I do a simple introduction about myself. First stage done, I wait at outside to get the result. It’s pretty fast to get result, just within 5 minutes. And for my group, only two people get to second stage including me.

Then we were ask to go inside again to complete short English test for 15 minutes. On second stage, still the same, they called for 5 candidates into the room but this time is different interviewers. They ask me why I choose Firefly but not other airlines? And for some questions, they ask me to answer in Malay. After that, the interviewers requested us to read the announcement with mic, with loud and confident. For this stage, the interviewers also ask me to pick up a small piece of paper. In the paper, there is a topic and I'm going to present to everyone. My topic was ‘flight attendant’. When I saw the topic, I’m happy because the topic quite easy for me. But at that time, my mind suddenly blank so I don't have much ideas what to present for my topic. After everyone done the presentation means we were completed the interview and the interviewers asked us wait for the call within 2-3 weeks. Before the interview session end, I walk to the interviewers and thanks them before I leave the room. I’m feel so thankful that I get through to final stages.

At the end, I still fail the interview!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Get Rejected for Cabin Crew Interview

“I don’t understand why I got rejected. What did I do wrong?” 
I’ve been there. As I mentioned in my first post, I was rejected 14 times by many different airlines. There isn’t a simple answer to why I get rejected. I also don’t bother asking the airlines because I know they won’t give you their reasons for not selecting you. 
Even thought I was rejected 14 times but I never give up. The most important thing is that I don't give up. The road to becoming cabin crew is often long with lots of twists and turns on the way. Realistically, it may take six attempts and maybe more. 
Based on the research, on average only 2% of cabin crew will get a job after just one assessment day. Competition is very fierce and the airlines get thousand of applications every week. For example for one recruitment drive for a major airline in Europe, they received over 75,000 applications in a month, in which 800 were asked to assessment days and those only 120 were actually taken on for a 6 month contract. Even after that, half of those crew left after 6 months failed training or just didn't meet the grade.
Cabin crew is not like a normal job, where there are just a handful of applicants and it is a job for life, everyone need to work hard to get the job.  So, the important thing to do after rejection is not to lose hope and PREPARE! Lift your head up and keep trying again and again. Don’t ever give up. Believe it or not; your “acceptance letter” will come sooner than you’d hoped.
In my next few posts, I will write about my experiences and interview process which I had attended with different airlines such as Firefly, Malindo, Air Asia, Qatar, Singapore Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, and Eagle Express.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Body Key Weight Management

Today I went to Amway Ipoh to purchase Body Key. I know many of you will ask what is this Body Key? Body Key is the first globally branded weight management programme offered by AMWAY. It is comprehensive, personalized and based on clinically backed science.

The BodyKey programme is a collaboration of key elements: Body Key Assessment Tool, scientifically formulated products, and comprehensive services, all designed to work together to help you reach your personal weight- management goals. It’s personalized and easy. Body Key Programme come along with Body Key Jump Start Kit that give you everything you need to embark on your personalized weight-management journey. The Body Key Jump Start Kit consists of:

  • Body Key by NUTRILITE Meal Replacement Shake (5 units)
  • NUTRILITE All Plant Protein Powder (4 units)
  • NUTRILITE Nutri Fiber Blend (3 units) 
  • NUTRILITE Double X Multivitamin/Multi-mineral/Concentrate (1 unit)
  • NUTRILITE Double X Refill (1 unit) 
  • In Body BAND (1 unit)
  • Body Key Gym Bag (1 unit)
  • Body Key Shaker (1 unit)
  • Body Key BMI Measuring Tape (1 unit) 
  • Body Key Guidebook (1 unit )
  • Body Key Recommender Card (1 unit) 
  • Master Code access to the Body  Key Personalized Assessment, Meal and Exercise Advice in Body Key App
In the past, I have tried many diets in order to lose weight, but none have been successful. I have done some research about this Body Key programme which can help individual to lose weight and have healthy lifestyle if we follow the proper guidelines. I saw many successful stories of people who try this Body Key programme. Hopefully I can successfully lose some weight after I try this Body Key. 

I not yet start this Body Key because I plan to try it after Chinese New Year which fall on  second week of February. I will update again after I try this product.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Blackmores Bio C & Bio E 500

Hi, as you all know that recently I just underwent minor surgery so I think off to consume vitamin C and E for fast and speedy recovery. I heard people said Vitamin C and E is good for skin. Then I came across with this brand Blackmores. Blackmores was a brand of dietary supplement product, actually there are many of them in their range for you to choose, if I was not mistaken, there are fish oil vitamin, vitamin C, B and many more to choose. 

I chose their Vitamin C and E because I read their review through online, it is really works in maintaining your stamina, its make body feel energized and what’s more important is, it does help in reducing acne scars and any scars on your body. Since I have a possibility to get scars on my left thigh, so I give a try to this product.

Blackmores Vitamin C is a dietary supplement that provides vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. This easy-to-swallow tablet is ideal for those who require additional vitamin C for general health and well being of the body. The dosage for adults is take 1 tablet a day with meal and not recommended for children below 12 years old. Active ingredient per tablet are Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 500mg, no added salt, yeast, gluten, wheat, milk derivatives, preservatives, artificial flavours or sweeteners.

Blackmores Vitamin E is a natural source of Vitamin E that has approximately twice the bio availability of synthetic Vitamin E which means it is retained longer and is twice as active in the body. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger. No added sugar, salt, yeast, gluten, starch, wheat, corn, milk derivatives, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. The dosage for adults is take 1 capsule 1 to 2 times a day with meals, or as professionally prescribed and not suitable for children under 12 years.

I really do hope that this Vitamin C and E can prevent the formation of scars.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Dermatofibroma Surgery

On 2 January 2016, I went to KPJ Ipoh Specialist and I underwent minor surgery by plastic surgeon. Last year around mid of September  2015, I was diagnosed having dermatofibroma by Dr. Agnes, who is a well known dermatologist. I have dermatofibroma on my left inner thigh so the doctor suggested me undergo surgery to remove them. 
Maybe some of you wondered what is dermatofibroma. Actually dermatofibroma refers to round growths or bumps arising on the skin of the arms and legs. These compact masses are benign, or non-dangerous, and consist mostly of fibrous skin tissues. 
This is picture of dermatofibroma.
After some consideration, I make up my mind to remove it by plastic surgeon to avoid any potential form of keloid or hypertrophic scars. But I very well aware and knew that surgery sure will left the scar no matter how good is the surgeon. So the surgeon that help me to perform the surgery is Dr. Lim Yang Kwang who is plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
So the procedure for the surgery is not very complicated. Dr. Lim administers anesthesia to numb the area and wait for 10 minutes before performs the operation. Then, he start to cut away the top part of the lump and remove the lump. After that, he stitch the open wound nicely and carefully. The surgery took me about 45 minutes. This however, leaves scope for recurrence. Complete removal of a dermatofibroma knot requires removing a part of the subcutaneous fat surrounding it.
I have 13 stitches for less than 3 cm wound (dermatofibroma).
This is the residue of the mole that was not completely remove by CO2 laser so I asked Dr. Lim help me removed it too. This wound have around 8 stitches. 

After the surgery this is how it look.

On 9 January 2016, I need to go back to consult the doctor again to check how my wounds. Hopefully everything going to be alright! 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Emirates On Hold

Dear Candidate,
With reference to your application and interview for the position of Cabin Crew; regrettably we need to inform you that due to fully booked training courses, we are unable to proceed with your formal offer of employment at this point of time. Therefore, we will place your file temporarily on hold. We hope to be able to confirm that you have been selected; we will keep you informed if we are able to progress with your offer any sooner. Please update us if your contact and personal details change from that given in the application.
Kind regards,
Cabin Crew Recruitment
Emirates Airline
Yes, I was received this email from Emirates on 31 December 2015 which is one day before new year. This mail means that I have to wait for 1 to 2 months before I get the job. Hopefully, I will get good news from them soon.
Now, I had something to keep me busy and hold me thinking of Emirates. However, I was thinking about my status all the time. I hope to get the 'Golden Call' soon. As long as I don’t get rejection mail, waiting was okay because in the end I was going to get the dream job.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Final Interview

I scheduled my interview at 11 am two days after the assessment day so I could spend a day to prepare all the things that I had to bring to the interview. There were many regulations as to the photos we had to bring to the final interview so I basically had to take all my photos again. We had to bring:

(1) 6 passport photos in a suit, with a big smile.
(2) A full length photo in a suit up against a plain background - our legs had to be together and hands were by our sides.
(3) 2 casual photos, one full length and one from the waist and above - these could be any photos but be sure to find one that you have a big smile and are dressed appropriately. We were told to bring more photos to the interview so the recruiter could help us choose the best ones.
(4) Certificate of completion of highest level of education.
(5) Passport copy.
(6) Updated copy of CV.

I was early again, of course. Punctuality is a great deal for crew members and I made sure I arrived before the recruiter did as I was the first interviewee that day. The interview was very relaxed. They first asked me to fill in a form and they checked through all the things that I had to bring - unfortunately my casual photos not ready so I had to send it to them via email after the interview.

The interview questions were based on past working experience to see how I work in the workplace. Some questions I was asked were:

Q: Tell me a time when you helped a customer.
Q: Tell me a time when you had conflict with your co-worker.
Q: Tell me a time you had to adapt in order to respect a different culture.
Q: What rules that you don't like but you still follow.
Q: Why you want to become a cabin crew.
Q: Tell me a time when you have face difficulty and how you solve it.

Here are a few tips I would tell anyone who is about to attend a final interview for Emirates cabin crew:

(1) Please be prepare as it's difficult to think on the spot and I prepared my answers for the questions the night before. It was very helpful that I read many blogs and wrote down a list of possible questions and prepared them tailored to myself.

(2) Talk in detail. Tell the interviewer all the juicy bits of your story. Tell her how the customer felt afterwards, tell her how angry the customer was, how calm you were when you dealt with the situation.

(3) Be yourself! When it's a one to one interview, it's very easy to tell if you're being yourself or not so just treat the interviewer(s) as friends. Remember this job is all about being caring and friendly. Don't be afraid to treat the interviewer as your friend!

After completing the interview that went for 45 minutes, my recruiter told me she will present my portfolio to Dubai HQ and I should hear back in one month for the result. 

Becoming cabin crew is all I have ever wanted to do, it's is a horrible feeling knowing someone who has never met or seen you can make or brake your life dream.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Assessment Day

My assessment day is on 6 December 2015. I arrived back at the hotel at 8.30 am and the assessment start at 9 am sharp. The recruiter gave us each number to stick onto our clothing. Then we went into the conferences room and she made us split into 2 groups, #1 to #29 and #30 to #57.

We were asked to sit in numerical order around the chairs. Then she divided us into smaller group (3 people in a group). I grouped together with one girl from Thailand and one Malay girl. The recruiter gave us a laminated card with a job name on it . The job that my group get is 'PAINTER'. The question she gave us is what attributes or characteristics that the job must have in order to be successful. I decided to read it out for my group. Then she gave us another card with picture on it and my group get a picture of a tree. Now the question is how we going to relate the job that we get together with the picture. I made sure to engage myself a lot within the group discussion but i didn't take too much charge. I wanted to hear everyone opinion and felt like everyone had to have a fair chance at expressing their opinions. I think the purpose of this exercise was to see how we act and interact around a group of people. I don't think they like it if you are too controlling and over-powering, and also if you are too reserved. You have to be polite and talk clearly and make eye contact with everyone, but at the same time LISTEN and don't interrupt when others talk, and acknowledge their input by giving them positive comments. It was kind of scary because the recruiters were walking around the tables taking notes. We just kind of had to ignore the fact that they were there, otherwise we would get way too nervous. Then you can see around 20 candidates being eliminated in first round group discussion. 

Then 2nd stages is another group discussion. In a group of 8, we were asked to perform a group discussion and role play session with the recruiter. The card provides us with a scenario where we were a manager of a car rental services and there's an error with the computer system that led to over booking issues. There were 8 guests who had booked for the car rent, but however only 2 cars were available. In a group, we had to go through the different scenarios and discuss who we going to choose and why. While the groups were brainstorming on the ideas, we were individually called up by the recruiter to perform a reach test. I was asked to take off my shoes and reach 212 cm tiptoe. Those who failed to reach 212 cm will be sent home immediately. After that, we continue our discussion. While this was going on the recruiter circled us making notes as we speak. She watch everyone moves, how we communicated and how we include others. During the conversation, I made sure I kept eye contact and also smiles at all times. Once again, we were all asked to leave and return after half an hour. Again I saw my name listed to the next round. At this stages only left 20 candidates.

The next round was an English test. We were given 60 minutes to complete the test. All the questions is in multiple choice questions (objective). It was basically a grammar and comprehension test. After the test, we were then asked to wait outside the room until the recruiter had marked the papers. Around 30 minutes later, we were called to enter the room. We were again told by the recruiter that those with their references number written in the paper are those selected for Final Interview. This round only 17 candidates pass the English test, the recruiter congratulated the 17 of us who it to the final interview. We were then asked to dill in forms for language and tattoo declaration. We then scheduled for our Final Interview which we had the option of doing it the following day, which was on Monday or Tuesday. I choose my interview on Tuesday which held on 8 December 2015.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Emirates Open Day

I went to Emirates open day at Ipoh in Malaysia. It was on 5 December 2015. I went there wearing a knee length grey pencil skirt and a white blouse. I wore my hair up in a bun and wore a 'FAMOUS' red lipstick.

I went there 30 minutes earlier. There were approximately 200 applicants and 1 recruiter (women). She gave us a brief introduction about the company and the lifestyle in Dubai. Then she asked us to drop the CV/ resumes so she can ask us a few questions. I waited for my turn then I gave the recruiter my CV. Basically, she was looking at how the candidates looked, whether all of us looking neat and tidy, checking if we are 21 or above, making sure we doesn’t have any tattoos and visible marks, and asking a couple of questions about our work experience.

After that, I stay back and wait for the recruiter to paste a list of successful candidates on the board. Emirates no longer call us if you are successful. If you pass, your name will be highlighted out and it mean you are successfully proceed to the Assessment Day. I saw my name being highlighted and around 57 candidates has been selected to proceed next round interview.

My open day's look: