Friday, January 8, 2016

Dermatofibroma Surgery

On 2 January 2016, I went to KPJ Ipoh Specialist and I underwent minor surgery by plastic surgeon. Last year around mid of September  2015, I was diagnosed having dermatofibroma by Dr. Agnes, who is a well known dermatologist. I have dermatofibroma on my left inner thigh so the doctor suggested me undergo surgery to remove them. 
Maybe some of you wondered what is dermatofibroma. Actually dermatofibroma refers to round growths or bumps arising on the skin of the arms and legs. These compact masses are benign, or non-dangerous, and consist mostly of fibrous skin tissues. 
This is picture of dermatofibroma.
After some consideration, I make up my mind to remove it by plastic surgeon to avoid any potential form of keloid or hypertrophic scars. But I very well aware and knew that surgery sure will left the scar no matter how good is the surgeon. So the surgeon that help me to perform the surgery is Dr. Lim Yang Kwang who is plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
So the procedure for the surgery is not very complicated. Dr. Lim administers anesthesia to numb the area and wait for 10 minutes before performs the operation. Then, he start to cut away the top part of the lump and remove the lump. After that, he stitch the open wound nicely and carefully. The surgery took me about 45 minutes. This however, leaves scope for recurrence. Complete removal of a dermatofibroma knot requires removing a part of the subcutaneous fat surrounding it.
I have 13 stitches for less than 3 cm wound (dermatofibroma).
This is the residue of the mole that was not completely remove by CO2 laser so I asked Dr. Lim help me removed it too. This wound have around 8 stitches. 

After the surgery this is how it look.

On 9 January 2016, I need to go back to consult the doctor again to check how my wounds. Hopefully everything going to be alright! 


  1. Do you have pictures of how your scars look now? Thinking of having this done.

    1. I'm thinking of having this done too. Please post an updated picture!

  2. Same here! Please show us now!

  3. Please post a photo of your leg after surgery. I hope it was successful!
