Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Final Interview

I scheduled my interview at 11 am two days after the assessment day so I could spend a day to prepare all the things that I had to bring to the interview. There were many regulations as to the photos we had to bring to the final interview so I basically had to take all my photos again. We had to bring:

(1) 6 passport photos in a suit, with a big smile.
(2) A full length photo in a suit up against a plain background - our legs had to be together and hands were by our sides.
(3) 2 casual photos, one full length and one from the waist and above - these could be any photos but be sure to find one that you have a big smile and are dressed appropriately. We were told to bring more photos to the interview so the recruiter could help us choose the best ones.
(4) Certificate of completion of highest level of education.
(5) Passport copy.
(6) Updated copy of CV.

I was early again, of course. Punctuality is a great deal for crew members and I made sure I arrived before the recruiter did as I was the first interviewee that day. The interview was very relaxed. They first asked me to fill in a form and they checked through all the things that I had to bring - unfortunately my casual photos not ready so I had to send it to them via email after the interview.

The interview questions were based on past working experience to see how I work in the workplace. Some questions I was asked were:

Q: Tell me a time when you helped a customer.
Q: Tell me a time when you had conflict with your co-worker.
Q: Tell me a time you had to adapt in order to respect a different culture.
Q: What rules that you don't like but you still follow.
Q: Why you want to become a cabin crew.
Q: Tell me a time when you have face difficulty and how you solve it.

Here are a few tips I would tell anyone who is about to attend a final interview for Emirates cabin crew:

(1) Please be prepare as it's difficult to think on the spot and I prepared my answers for the questions the night before. It was very helpful that I read many blogs and wrote down a list of possible questions and prepared them tailored to myself.

(2) Talk in detail. Tell the interviewer all the juicy bits of your story. Tell her how the customer felt afterwards, tell her how angry the customer was, how calm you were when you dealt with the situation.

(3) Be yourself! When it's a one to one interview, it's very easy to tell if you're being yourself or not so just treat the interviewer(s) as friends. Remember this job is all about being caring and friendly. Don't be afraid to treat the interviewer as your friend!

After completing the interview that went for 45 minutes, my recruiter told me she will present my portfolio to Dubai HQ and I should hear back in one month for the result. 

Becoming cabin crew is all I have ever wanted to do, it's is a horrible feeling knowing someone who has never met or seen you can make or brake your life dream.

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