Monday, January 4, 2016

Emirates Open Day

I went to Emirates open day at Ipoh in Malaysia. It was on 5 December 2015. I went there wearing a knee length grey pencil skirt and a white blouse. I wore my hair up in a bun and wore a 'FAMOUS' red lipstick.

I went there 30 minutes earlier. There were approximately 200 applicants and 1 recruiter (women). She gave us a brief introduction about the company and the lifestyle in Dubai. Then she asked us to drop the CV/ resumes so she can ask us a few questions. I waited for my turn then I gave the recruiter my CV. Basically, she was looking at how the candidates looked, whether all of us looking neat and tidy, checking if we are 21 or above, making sure we doesn’t have any tattoos and visible marks, and asking a couple of questions about our work experience.

After that, I stay back and wait for the recruiter to paste a list of successful candidates on the board. Emirates no longer call us if you are successful. If you pass, your name will be highlighted out and it mean you are successfully proceed to the Assessment Day. I saw my name being highlighted and around 57 candidates has been selected to proceed next round interview.

My open day's look:

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