Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Assessment Day

My assessment day is on 6 December 2015. I arrived back at the hotel at 8.30 am and the assessment start at 9 am sharp. The recruiter gave us each number to stick onto our clothing. Then we went into the conferences room and she made us split into 2 groups, #1 to #29 and #30 to #57.

We were asked to sit in numerical order around the chairs. Then she divided us into smaller group (3 people in a group). I grouped together with one girl from Thailand and one Malay girl. The recruiter gave us a laminated card with a job name on it . The job that my group get is 'PAINTER'. The question she gave us is what attributes or characteristics that the job must have in order to be successful. I decided to read it out for my group. Then she gave us another card with picture on it and my group get a picture of a tree. Now the question is how we going to relate the job that we get together with the picture. I made sure to engage myself a lot within the group discussion but i didn't take too much charge. I wanted to hear everyone opinion and felt like everyone had to have a fair chance at expressing their opinions. I think the purpose of this exercise was to see how we act and interact around a group of people. I don't think they like it if you are too controlling and over-powering, and also if you are too reserved. You have to be polite and talk clearly and make eye contact with everyone, but at the same time LISTEN and don't interrupt when others talk, and acknowledge their input by giving them positive comments. It was kind of scary because the recruiters were walking around the tables taking notes. We just kind of had to ignore the fact that they were there, otherwise we would get way too nervous. Then you can see around 20 candidates being eliminated in first round group discussion. 

Then 2nd stages is another group discussion. In a group of 8, we were asked to perform a group discussion and role play session with the recruiter. The card provides us with a scenario where we were a manager of a car rental services and there's an error with the computer system that led to over booking issues. There were 8 guests who had booked for the car rent, but however only 2 cars were available. In a group, we had to go through the different scenarios and discuss who we going to choose and why. While the groups were brainstorming on the ideas, we were individually called up by the recruiter to perform a reach test. I was asked to take off my shoes and reach 212 cm tiptoe. Those who failed to reach 212 cm will be sent home immediately. After that, we continue our discussion. While this was going on the recruiter circled us making notes as we speak. She watch everyone moves, how we communicated and how we include others. During the conversation, I made sure I kept eye contact and also smiles at all times. Once again, we were all asked to leave and return after half an hour. Again I saw my name listed to the next round. At this stages only left 20 candidates.

The next round was an English test. We were given 60 minutes to complete the test. All the questions is in multiple choice questions (objective). It was basically a grammar and comprehension test. After the test, we were then asked to wait outside the room until the recruiter had marked the papers. Around 30 minutes later, we were called to enter the room. We were again told by the recruiter that those with their references number written in the paper are those selected for Final Interview. This round only 17 candidates pass the English test, the recruiter congratulated the 17 of us who it to the final interview. We were then asked to dill in forms for language and tattoo declaration. We then scheduled for our Final Interview which we had the option of doing it the following day, which was on Monday or Tuesday. I choose my interview on Tuesday which held on 8 December 2015.

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