Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Singapore Airlines Cabin Crew Experienced

Today post I will be sharing with you my experience for the Singapore Airlines cabin crew interview stages and process that I have attended last year December 2015 at Inter-Excel.

Before I attend any interview,I will do research on the airline that I applying for. This is because I can know their latest development and it always gives me the advantage to show to the recruiters that I am very interested to join the company plus giving them a good impression of myself. 

I was really grateful because my boyfriend accompany me went to the interview. That helped me out a little since I was feeling really nervous and it's nice to have a companion. Moving on, the open day was held at Inter-Excel and the registration was between 8.30 am. So I was there around 7.30 am. I thought that I was a little late but as I reached there, there were no people lining up to register and I am the first to arrived. On that day, everyone was looking well groomed and all prepared to nail it. I wore a white formal blouse and a pencil skirt. My hair nicely bun up and short fringe. As for the make-up, I did a light one. I met a few really nice friends, who shared with me about their background and even their past experiences. During this stage, we were divided into small groups and there was a small brief introduction following with random question. 

For my group the question was ‘’ Christmas is coming soon, where is the places you suggest to celebrate the Christmas?’’. Unfortunately I was too nervous so my performances not really good. Once the introduction was over, we all were anxiously waiting outside the room. They called out the names who passed through this stage and I was unlucky that I wasn't one of them. 

For other rounds and stages I not sure because myself stop until first round. I thought I can did good for this SIA interview but unfortunately, I feel so nervous on that day so I didn’t get through until final stage. 

I was feeling quite devastated but hey, this is not the end of the world. We should not give up and lose hope in any circumstances. If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather the courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone upturned to make it a reality.

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