Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Hello everyone! Okay, now that I have ran around telling EVERYONE I know about my Golden Call and Date Of Joining, I can finally post about it. Today around 2pm, as usual I check my phone for the time, then messages and updates on Facebook. Again, my news feed was full of  people congratulating others on their success, to which I joined in because I cannot help but be excited for everyone. I had that moment of butterflies in my stomach as I signed into the Emirates Careers website to check my application status and there it was, those 4 beautiful words: JOINING FORMALITIES IN PROGRESS

At that moment, I actually danced up and down with joy. I was ecstatic to see those few words because it meant that everything I has worked for was starting to become very real. So I was waiting for my Golden Call and expecting they will call me tomorrow. But is turn out that around 6.30pm, I got my golden call and that time I was taking a short nap. I feel so unreal! I feel like I am walking on clouds. In 3 months I will be in Dubai, getting ready to travel the world! 

This was it. I answered it calmly. I vaguely remember the call now but she advised me that my application for Cabin crew with Emirates had been successful, and congratulated me. She asked a few questions about my notice period and when I could join. My original joining date was going to be the 29th April 2016. I snapped up the date because I didn't want to push my luck any further. She informed me that I would receive an email within the next couple of working days with my candidate portal details. 
Now I just wait for my e-mail and FA. As always, good luck on your Emirates journey, and I can’t wait to meet you in Dubai!

Here my timeline:
5/12/2015- OD
6/12/2015- AD
8/12/2015- FI
27/12/2015- IC
31/12/2015- OH
2/2/2016- JFIP
2/2/2016- GC

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