Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Final Approval

The waiting is over and it’s confirmed, I passed my medical exams; I received my final approval  yesterday and officially I’m moving to Dubai and the countdown has begun.

Date of joining: 22 April 2016
I have a lot of emotions inside of me, I’m happy and sad at the same time. I know I’m living the dream, a one lifetime experience job, living in Dubai, traveling to more than 140 destinations in over 70 countries across 6 continents with great benefits and privileges that a lot of people have tried  to accomplish so many times. Emirates receives over 15,000 applications for Cabin Crew per month, maybe the less of the half are currently working for them, I mean, It’s a very competitive industry, although they say otherwise, let’s get real, airlines are selective when it comes for recruiting new hires. But the bottom line is that, yes, I’m so thrilled and yes sad again.
I’ll be away from my family and boyfriend. I’m quite attach to them that I know when the day of departure comes, perhaps I’m going to cry. I know me, I’m a very independent person and to be honest, I’ve never lived so far away from my country, although it’s a great opportunity to develop myself with more independence and confidence. It may seem as a little bit of fear, but this is just normal, indeed. Maintaining focus and confident of your goals will always help to move toward success. After all, this job is all about adjusting yourself to a new lifestyle. The best part of this, is that my family and boyfriend supports me, and that’s all I need to keep flying.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Emirates Medical Test

The entire process of becoming cabin crew is WAITING! From the time you o start tsubmit your application, to your assessment day, to your final interview and searching information on the web, forums, blogs or even  in the facebook page “Emirates approval in progress status”  while preparing yourself with the nervousness of making it through every stage; and when finally you pass every stage and interview, the waiting begins to receive the Golden Call. After you receive the Golden call eventually you’ll receive an email stating that you have being successful through the process for the cabin crew position and also, all the paperwork and medical exams that had to be put together. NO, you are not done!

In this stage, the employment contract is not final, but  it is subject of you being able to clear all the medical tests. For the next couple of days or weeks the only thing you’ll be doing is making doctor appointments and being checked. Later, these documents need to be submitted through the portal by login in with your username and password that they send you by email. The portal is a very nice organized page were you can see how is your progress is going, and it also has post were you can see how many days you have untill your day of joining.

Some docs are:

Vaccinations: such as; Polio, Diphtheria, Yellow fever, Hepatitis A&B, Tetanus, Typhoid and so on..

Dental Certification: requires some standards like, teeth should be free from cavities, plaque, gingiva, and among others. The dentist certificates that you’re dentally fit and complies with all standards.

*Blood test for HIV, SVRL and  TB chest x-ray will be completed in Dubai.*

The vaccinations are on your own expenses which mean no reimbursement from Emirates.

Medical history declaration:These are some personal medical history that you have to answer with yes or no and these documents are filled by you.

Once they received all the documents, the human resources team will evaluate the medical test and if you fit the requirements they will contact you for the next stage.

At this point is practically another waiting!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Hello everyone! Okay, now that I have ran around telling EVERYONE I know about my Golden Call and Date Of Joining, I can finally post about it. Today around 2pm, as usual I check my phone for the time, then messages and updates on Facebook. Again, my news feed was full of  people congratulating others on their success, to which I joined in because I cannot help but be excited for everyone. I had that moment of butterflies in my stomach as I signed into the Emirates Careers website to check my application status and there it was, those 4 beautiful words: JOINING FORMALITIES IN PROGRESS

At that moment, I actually danced up and down with joy. I was ecstatic to see those few words because it meant that everything I has worked for was starting to become very real. So I was waiting for my Golden Call and expecting they will call me tomorrow. But is turn out that around 6.30pm, I got my golden call and that time I was taking a short nap. I feel so unreal! I feel like I am walking on clouds. In 3 months I will be in Dubai, getting ready to travel the world! 

This was it. I answered it calmly. I vaguely remember the call now but she advised me that my application for Cabin crew with Emirates had been successful, and congratulated me. She asked a few questions about my notice period and when I could join. My original joining date was going to be the 29th April 2016. I snapped up the date because I didn't want to push my luck any further. She informed me that I would receive an email within the next couple of working days with my candidate portal details. 
Now I just wait for my e-mail and FA. As always, good luck on your Emirates journey, and I can’t wait to meet you in Dubai!

Here my timeline:
5/12/2015- OD
6/12/2015- AD
8/12/2015- FI
27/12/2015- IC
31/12/2015- OH
2/2/2016- JFIP
2/2/2016- GC