Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Air Asia Interview Stages

Today let me share my Air Asia interview experiences with you. I have tried 2 times for Air Asia but I still failed! I remember I went to Air Asia walk-in interview twice one in Penang (21 June 2014) and the second times in KL (19 September 2014).

As usual Air Asia registration was from 9 am to 11 am. Candidates are advised to be there early as the line may be quite long. Normally I will go there early so I arrived at around 8:45 am and the queue was super long. I heard the total number of candidates was somewhere over a hundred people and that is considered a small number. 

First Stage
The first stage is the document and credentials check. They will check if you have brought with you everything that you need such as IC, SPM cert photocopy, passport picture, etc. After that you will proceed to the height check without shoes. The minimum requirements is 157 cm for ladies. If you are a few centimeters below the required height, they will straight send you back home. Then you are given a number and start to queue for second stages. 

Second Stage
The second stage is the one on one interview which conducted in small office room. Once inside the office, there will be a holding place where you will wait for your turn.Totally different than what I expected. It was a small room with two tables set approximately one meter apart with one candidate per table. Behind each table are two interviewers. You will be asked to stand in front of the table. No sitting here. The questions they will ask you or the stuff they will ask you to do varies with each person. What you will be asked depends on the interviewer. For me they asked me to introduce myself, explain why I chose this position in this industry and what my hobbies were. All pretty straight forward. 

After they are done asking you questions there will be a card on the table. You will have to pick it up and read the announcement scripts. They are in English and Malay, 2 different sentences. They might not ask you to read all of it. They asked me to read the English parts only. But that part is simple. Just make sure you articulate your words well and be calm. Make sure your words are loud and audible. After that they will give you feedback and probably point out things that you need to improve on.Try not to give cliche answers. Map out your answers and make them stand out because within those few minutes in front of the interviewers, you really do need to impress them quick.

Please keep in mind they will not tell you whether you passed or failed on the spot. They will notify you via email in a few weeks' time. And with that, it's over. It seems really quick when you go in but it might actually be quite long.

During the interview at KL, I get to meet some new friends starting from the left are Bella, Christy, Vena, and me. Four of us chit chat together so that we won’t get bored of waiting. 

But at final result, they didn't pick me! 

1 comment:

  1. hello elene, i'm just 154cm, i just wonder, will they give a height reach test or straight ask the person go home?
